From MdsWiki
Data versioning is an optional feature in MDSplus trees. When "versioning" is enabled in a tree instance, data stored in a node does not overwrite any existing data in that node. Instead the previous data is retained. By default, accessing the data in the node will return the newest data stored in that node. To retrieve the older data you can use the TCL "SET VIEW datetime" command which will cause all data retrieved to reflect the values that were in place at that particular date and time. Versioning can be enable in the model, in the pulse, or both. The following example illustrates how one might use versioning in a tree:
TCL> EDIT/NEW MYTREE TCL> SET VERSIONS/MODEL/SHOT TCL> SHOW VERSIONS Versions are enabled in the model file and enabled in the shot file. TCL> ADD NODE MYNUMBER/USAGE=NUMERIC TCL> WRITE TCL> CLOSE TCL> SET TREE MYTREE TCL> PUT MYNUMBER 1 TCL> DIR/FULL MYNUMBER \MYTREE::TOP :MYNUMBER Status: on,parent is on, usage numeric compress on put Data inserted: 22-MAY-2013 12:09:15.53 Owner: [1751,1750] Dtype: DTYPE_L Class: CLASS_S Length: 12 bytes Total of 1 node. TCL> PUT MYNUMBER 2 TCL> DIR/FULL MYNUMBER \MYTREE::TOP :MYNUMBER Status: on,parent is on, usage numeric compress on put Data inserted: 22-MAY-2013 12:10:37.78 Owner: [1751,1750] Dtype: DTYPE_L Class: CLASS_S Length: 12 bytes Data inserted: 22-MAY-2013 12:09:15.53 Owner: [1751,1750] Dtype: DTYPE_L Class: CLASS_S Length: 12 bytes Total of 1 node. TCL> PUT MYNUMBER 3 TCL> DIR/FULL MYNUMBER \MYTREE::TOP :MYNUMBER Status: on,parent is on, usage numeric compress on put Data inserted: 22-MAY-2013 12:11:52.20 Owner: [1751,1750] Dtype: DTYPE_L Class: CLASS_S Length: 12 bytes Data inserted: 22-MAY-2013 12:10:37.78 Owner: [1751,1750] Dtype: DTYPE_L Class: CLASS_S Length: 12 bytes Data inserted: 22-MAY-2013 12:09:15.53 Owner: [1751,1750] Dtype: DTYPE_L Class: CLASS_S Length: 12 bytes Total of 1 node. TCL> DECOMPILE MYNUMBER 3 TCL> SET VIEW "22-MAY-2013 12:11:00" 2
You need to use the TCL "SET VIEW" command in other languages to change the view datetime. For example:
IDL> MDSOPEN,'MYTREE',-1 IDL> print,MDSVALUE('MYNUMBER') 3 IDL> mdstcl,'SET VIEW "22-MAY-2013 12:11:00"' IDL> print,MDSVALUE('MYNUMBER') 2